Saturday 9 February 2013

The Discipline of Journaling

(All my journals from the past 12 years)
I journal.

It's a habit that started in my high school years. I was at a Christian conference and the speaker encouraged us all to read the bible every day and to also write. Being a dutiful person, I tried to implement it right away. However, I found it difficult to keep up. But then my journaling evolved to writing about life lessons I learned during the day that I wanted to remember. After a few months, when I would look back on my journal entries, I found it helpful to be reminded of these lessons and was surprised how I had forgotten most of them. This then cemented within me that journalling was important so started to do it more regularly.

The discipline of journaling has made me very good at self-reflection and introspection.

However, because I am not good at verbally communicating and do not do it often, especially regarding my personal life, I find it very awkward to have a voice in a public setting. I realized this recently at a 3 day interactive workshop with strangers. I really struggled to communicate my thoughts in a convicted and clear way.

Thus this blog. I want to take journalling to a more public forum. I think it'll be a good discipline for me to practice having a point of view and telling a concise story. Hopefully, it'll be something I can improve through practice.